
Steve has published two books outlining his personal experiences, challenges and hurdles he’s run into surrounding mental health exposure in the workplace. Each of these books reflect upon the effects that mental health trauma can have on one’s career, in Steve’s case, as a professional firefighter and administrator/Chief Officer. There are two ways to purchase the book – Instantly online at Friesen Press Bookstore or Amazon, or you can choose to request a personalized signed hardcover for $30 US or $35 CND which includes shipping anywhere in North America. I will write a personal message and sign each book and then send it to anyone you feel would benefit from reading it.


The Unbroken is a book about the struggles as a child growing up and living in the boundary bay area of Vancouver. When a series of traumatic calls on the job as a firefighter leaves Steve shaken and unable to recover, he, reluctantly at first, seeks out clinical counselling. His one rule, “I won’t talk about my childhood,” closes the door on several therapists, until he meets one who is willing to respect his wishes—providing he explores his childhood on his own. When Steve begins to reflect on his past, he also begins to write it all down. The good, and the terrible.


Extinguished is Steves second book and it asks, what do you do when you lose more than you can afford, when the stable bridge you’ve been crossing suddenly gives way and you find yourself plummeting into a chasm of fear and self-doubt?

After losing a dear friend and fellow firefighter to suicide, Steve is left shaken and leaves the fire service forever – or so he thinks. While trying to decide what his future holds, Steve takes us through his past. From Firefighter to Assistant Chief, a winning lottery ticket to a twist of fate, a series of strange health problems and devastating injury, Steve pulls us along the dizzying journey with him. And just when we think it can’t possibly get any worse for him, he leads us to the edge. And then the healing begins.

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You can either purchase thorough the banner above, which links to Friesen Press, or you can order direct from me by filling out the form below. I will sign and mail/deliver to you only through this form.
Cost of each book is $30USD or $35CAD including postal fee in North America.

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